Useful Links

You can find almost anything connected to business through our website and it's a good idea to bookmark it in your Favourites folder.

Companies House
Makes available (for a fee) company accounts, but also maintains a list (freely accessible) of disqualified directors.
T 08703 33 36 36

Department of Trade and Industry
This site has a section on small businesses with good statistical information
T 020 72155000

Health and Safety Executive
Information on regulations businesses must comply with. Essential If you employ people, work in many businesses like food, drink, where tools or safety might be involved. Check If you are in any doubt.
T 08453 45 00 55

The Information Commissioner
An independent official appointed by the Crown to oversee the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
T 01625 545745

Inland Revenue
News and information on tax and insurance matters in the UK.

VAT - Customs and Excise
For information about VAT registration.
T 08450 010 9000

ACAS - Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service
For employment dispute issues
T 08457 47 47 47

The Advertising Association
Promoting and protecting the rights, responsibilities and roles of advertising.
T: 020 7828 2771

British Chamber of Commerce
Management support for all business through local Chambers of Commerce.
T 020 7654 5800

British Franchise Association
Will help you to make a more informed choice about franchising.
T 01491 578050

The Chartered Institute of Marketing
Sets policy for marketing organizations.
T 01628427500

The Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents Help to find a patent agent if you need to patent a product.
T 020 74059450

COI Communications
Features all government press releases.
T 020 7928 2345

Confederation of British Industry
Major UK industry body. More for big business, but useful source of business surveys and other information.
T 020 7379 7400

Customs and Excise Information
Management Division
General advice on overseas trade statistics
T 01702367485 & 01702 367204

Department of Education and Skills
Information and advice on how to achieve your potential through learning.
T 08700 00 22 88

Department for Transport
Set up to provide a stronger focus on delivering the Government's transport strategy.
T 020 7944 8300

Department of Work and Pensions
Responsible for the Government's welfare reform agenda.
T 020 77122171

Direct Marketing Association
The leading voice for the direct marketing industry
T 020 7291 3300

Federation of Small Business
General help for small business through membership.
T 01253336000

Food Standards Agency
Government Agency protecting the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food
T 08456060667

Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Latest news and briefing papers about foreign policy.
T 020 72701500 & 020 70081500

Government Search Facility
Search for topics throughout all Government websites. &

Home Business Alliance
Information and advice about running a business from your home.
T 08714 74 10 15

HM Treasury
Information about the UK economy, including comparisons of independent forecasts and general economic indicators.
T 020 72704558

The Institute of Chartered Accountants
Professional body for accountants and other help In selecting one in your area
T 020 7920 8100

Institute of Direct Marketing
Help with selecting a direct marketing agency if you need one
T 020 8977 5705 & 020 8614 0277

Institute of Directors
Membership organisation for company directors of larger companies, useful information section and London meeting room facilities.
T 020 7839 1233

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)
Help in selecting an advertising agency if you need one.
T 020 7235 7020

The Institute of Sales Promotion
Trade association for organisations involved in Promotional Marketing.
T 020 78375340

Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys
Professional body for Trade Mark attorneys in the UK.
T 020 8686 2052

Market Research Society
World's largest international membership organisation for professional researchers.
T 020 74904911

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Responsible for policy on housing, planning, regional and local government and the fire service. Also takes responsibility for the Social Exclusion Unit, the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit and the Government Offices for the Regions.
T 020 7944 4400

The Patent Office
Offers an accessible service for granting intellectual property rights.
T 08459 50 05 05
Minicom 08459 22 22 50

Trade Partners UK
Government organisation that supports companies in the UK doing business Internationally and overseas enterprises seeking to set up or expand in the UK.
T 020 72158000